Chiropractic Care of a 3-Year-Old Male with Sleep Disordered Breathing Syndrome

Alcantara J, Desilets J, Oman RE

Chiropractic Journal of Australia [Accepted for Publication]


Objective: To describe the chiropractic care of a patient with a chief complaint of “sleeping problems.”

Clinical Features: A 3-yr-old boy with “sleeping problems” characterised as loud snoring, episodes of “breath-holding” and disturbed continuous sleep by awakening several times per night is cared for with chiropractic. His health history revealed recurrent sinusitis, one episode of bronchitis, episodes of otitis media and bronchitis. The child experienced no obvious injuries, according to his parents. Previous medical care seemed ineffective, a motivation for chiropractic intervention.

Intervention and Outcome: The patient received chiropractic care based on the correction of the vertebral subluxation complex (VSC). Contact-specific, high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) type thrusts were applied to sites of vertebral subluxations along with craniosacral therapy. Following 5 visits, the patient’s sleep was significantly improved.

Conclusion: This case study may demonstrate a link between sleep disorders and its amelioration through chiropractic care. We advocate for more research in this field.
