The effects of chiropractic care on a 6 year old with “transient motor tics.”

Joel Alcantara, BSc, DC (1), Alisha Davis, DC, DACCP (2) and Rosemary E. Oman, DC, Msc, FASBE (3)

  1. Research Director, International Chiropractic Pediatric Association,
    Media, PA and Private Practice of Chiropractic, San Jose, CA, USA
  2. Private Practice of Chiropractic, Raleigh, NC, USA
  3. Private Practice of Chiropractic, Chur, Switzerland

This study was funded by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, Media, PA


Tics are defined as brief, intermittent, repetitive, nonrhythmic, unpredictable, purposeless, stereotyped movements (motor tics) or sounds (phonic or vocal tics). In school-aged children, simple motor and vocal tics are very common with a reported prevalence between 4- 24%. The disorder is more common in younger children and in males compared to females. The patient presented with repetitive eye blinking and eye rolling in multiple directions every 3 to 5 seconds. Postural examination revealed left head tilt, high left shoulder, and high right ilium. Static and motion palpation of her spine revealed fixations at her right atlas (ASR or -θX, -X), T4 (PRS or –X; -θY; -θZ) and right sacroiliac joint (ASIN or +θX; +θY). The patient was cared for with high velocity, low amplitude thrust to C1 using Toggle Recoil and the Gonstead Technique. Following 5 visits over a period of 5 weeks the patient’s tic disorder resolved. The patient returned 2 ½ months later with complaints of eye blinking and rolling following a fall. The patient was cared for as described and her eye blinking and eye rolling had resolved again with no further abnormal eye movement.

Running Head: motor tic disorder, chiropractic, spinal manipulative therapy
