Rochelle Neally, DC

Whittier, CA USA

Professional Overview…
Dr. Rochelle Neally is a practicing Chiropractor with over 10 years of experience.  Her chiropractic practice focuses on acute and rehabilitative care for adults and children.  Treatment includes physical therapy, exercise therapy for rehabilitation of spinal injuries and chiropractic manipulative techniques.  She uses the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chamber in her office.  HBOT is a specialized therapy that uses an increase in atmospheric pressure to allow the body to incorporate more oxygen into blood cells, blood plasma, cerebral spinal fluid and other body fluids.  Dr. Neally dedicates her career to caring for children with special needs specializing in Autism and ADD/ADHD.  She partners with her patients and their families using a combination of education, advocacy and attentive treatments.  She helps raise funds for the families of children at Long Beach Memorial Hospital.  Dr. Neally talents not only exist in the clinical sense but in her approach to her patients and their families.  Dr. Neally is a well respected caring Chiropractor. 

Present Positions …
            Dr. Neally currently holds the following positions:
Clinical Assistant Professor
Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
Southern California University of Health Sciences
            16200 E. Amber Valley Dr, Whittier, CA 90604
